📸: Stacy Stamm
Cache Cr. MTB Race Results
Race #1 of the 2024 Teton Dirt Series
Brought to you by The Hub Bicycles & Mountain Bike the Tetons
Date: Wednesday, June 19th, 2024
Start Time: 5:30 pm / Racer Check In: 4:30 pm
Where: Mike Yokel Park, Jackson, WY
Registration: $45.00 for single race sign up
Race Course Info: The Long Course is 18 miles and 2,900 ft of elevation gain. The Short Course is approximately 10 miles and 1,440 ft of elevation gain.
Trailforks Course Maps
Each category will complete one lap of either the long course or short course. Junior racers will complete one Short Course lap.
Race Category Options:
Long Course (OPEN) - Male / Female: (Intermediate/advanced)
Short Course (SPORT) - Male / Female: (Intermediate/advanced)
Short Course - Male Junior/Female Junior: 15 yrs old & younger (beginner/intermediate)
Liability Waivers: Please sign the MBT Liability & Acknowledgement of Risk forms to be able to participate in all 2024 MBT events. You will be asked to sign The Hub’s liability waiver at race check in.
Awards: An after-race party with food, beverages and awards with will be held immediately after the last racers return at Mike Yokel Park.
Refunds: No refunds or transfers. All sales are final.
Sponsors: Thanks to Snake River Brewing and The Hub Bikes for sponsoring this event!
This event will be held on United States Forest Service land and is operated under a Special Use Permit issued by the Bridger-Teton National Forest.
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