📷 Cort Muller

REScheduled: MBT & Wheel Wranglers Group Fat Bike Ride
Rescheduled to February 8th due to weather.
Come ride bikes, chat trails, meet your fellow riders and MBT members.
Join us on February 8th @ 9:00am for a 'no drop', mellow morning cruise at the Southern Valley Trails.
All are welcome!
Don't have a fat bike?! Let us know, @wheelwranglers will have rental bikes at no cost! Limited quantities available.
Drop us a DM or Email with you name and bike size if you need one - info@mountainbiketetons.org

MBT & Wheel Wranglers Group Fat Bike Ride
We are back for another fat bike ride! Come ride bikes, chat trails, meet your fellow riders and MBT members.
Join us on February 1st @ 9:00am for a 'no drop', mellow morning cruise at the Southern Valley Trails.
All are welcome!
Don't have a fat bike?! Let us know, @wheelwranglers will have rental bikes at no cost! Limited quantities available.
Drop us a DM or Email with you name and bike size if you need one - info@mountainbiketetons.org

Freehub Presents: A Mountain Bike Film Festival & Trails Fundraiser
Join MBT for a showing of Freehub’s A Mountain Bike Film Festival at Highpoint Cider in Victor.
The collection of films is coined “A Celebration of Mountain Bike Community, Culture, and Cinema.” Come on by for a drink, good company, a raffle, and a final celebration of the 2024 season. All proceeds from the evening support trail work in the 2025 season!
Buy your Tickets HERE for $20 or at the door for $25.
Raffle Tickets are available day-of.

TDS #4: Mike Harris Mini Enduro
Teton Dirt Series #4: the new-last-year Mike Harris Mini Enduro! Come on out for a multi-stage race at a favorite riding zone. Relax on the way up, get rowdy on the way down!
Volunteer Weekend - Rainy Creek Bridge Installation
MBT is joining the Palisades Ranger District and several other organizations to install 5 large trail bridges on Rainy Creek. This motorized / 4x4 trail serves access to some incredible motorized and non motorized backcountry single track in the Palisades.
Plan to meet at 8:30am at the Rainy Creek Trailhead on the 24th and 25th. Parking will be very limited, so please car pool if possible.
The duties will include:
Nailing brackets onto the stringers with Tico Nails (Joist Hangers)
Fastening Bolts
Nailing decking on
Screwing decking and railing on
Food will be provided!

TDS #3: Grand Targhee XC Race
Teton Dirt Series #3: Grand Targhee Resort XC Race! Enjoy the cool air and winding trails of Grand Targhee for another XC cruiser. Quickly becoming a staple event in the Tetons, the TDS GTR XC race takes riders at effort through open wildflower laden meadows, quaking aspen groves and along flowing ribbons of dirt. Professional or never ever racer - this event is for everyone interested in some low pressure, friendly bike racing!
Registration @ 4pm on the Trap Deck Lawn at Grand Targhee
Race Start @ 5:00pm
10 mile course with a mass start.
Sign up HERE!
Carriboo Jack Backcountry Enduro - Sold out
Sold out.
A 1 day, 4 stage, blind-format, backcountry enduro race that will leave you with a good story.
A celebration of raw, backcountry singletrack. The Carriboo Jack is everything we love about riding bikes.
This event is about bringing mountain bikers together, getting more people involved in trail advocacy, and showing off the hard work that has been put into rehabilitating the area’s trails.
Volunteer TRail DAy
Join the MBT Trail crew to help move materials and install the new elevated boardwalk structure on Sharks Belly. Meet at the Probation/Burgh Trailhead on Packsaddle Road OR Ride in from the Southfork of Horseshoe Trailhead. We need your help! Beverages and Sausages provided post work...
Wednesday, July 31st @ 5pm-8pm
Meet @ the Probation/Burgh Trailhead - Bring sturdy shoes, gloves, water and eye protection.
Sign up HERE
MBT x SheJumps Ladies Group Ride
Join MBT and SheJumps for the last of the SheJumps group rides this summer! We’ll be riding Mill Creek and ending with a tailgate barbecue at the lower lot. We’ll meet at the bottom of the trail and we’re working on getting a shuttle up to the top. The ride is free, but registration is encouraged so that we can get an estimate on the headcount!
Registration and more info can be found here: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/shejumps-teton-valley-mount-bike-meetup-series-id-wy-registration-911649757967
AMPL x MBT Volunteer Trail Day
MBT will be joining AMPL for a Volunteer Trail Work Day on the Big Hole Crest Trail (between Grove and Drake) - great day for trail users of any kind to join (but especially mountain bikers and moto’s who use this section of trail the most!) Tools will be waiting on the trail for us! Beverages and grillables post dig….
Saturday, July 27th @ 9am-1pm
Meet @ the Grove Cr. TH (carpooling and riding are encouraged) - Bring your bike or moto, sturdy shoes, work gloves, eye protection and plenty of water!
Sign up HERE!
Grand Targhee Dig Day and Mill Creek Shuttle
Ride, dig, repeat. Join the MBT and GTR trail crews to perform trail work on the 'Rocky Mountain Way' trail. This locals favorite can be ridden from Teton Canyon or shuttled from the base of the resort. The work party will opt for a shuttle and perform trail maintenance along the way in the foreground of the Grand Teton.
All volunteers will be entered to win MBT Swag and Grand Targhee Resort Bike Park Day Passes!
Meet at the Trap Deck @ 10am!
Sign Up Here:
Sunday, July 14th @ 10am - 5pm
10am - Ride to the work site(s) as a group
11am - 2:30pm - Dig
2:30pm - 5pm - Ride and shuttle back to GTR & Party

TDS #2: Grand Targhee Mini Enduro
New Race, New Venue Join MBT for an evening of grassroots racing at its finest. A quick and dirty take on enduro stage racing but keeping it fun, light and fast. The Mini Enduro offers 2-3 timed downhill stages for a combined total race time, but you must get yourself to the top of each stage. Professional or never ever racer - this event is for everyone interested in some low pressure, friendly bike racing!
Preregistration Required! Secure your spot today!
Check out the Event here on Trailforks for course info!
Sign up HERE!
backcountry Trail Work Day
Bring your bike, water, gloves, eye protection and sturdy shoes to dig with our crew on the upper Pole Canyon Ridgeline. The goal is to continue re-benching the tread high in the alpine. Meet at the Pole Canyon TH ready to ride 2,000 ft. of vertical over 4 miles to the worksite. Beverages and brats provided post work/ride!
Sign up here and please sign the MBT Waivers here.
(If you have signed MBT waivers in 2024 already for an event, you are good for the season!)
MBT Group Ride
Come join us for a weekly MBT Group Ride, this week at Grove Drake! We’ll meet at the parking area off of 4500 W, and ride up Grove Creek Road to the trail. We’ll aim to ride for 1-1.5 hours. These are aimed to be fun post-work rides for any level of rider. The rides will be no-drop, and we can break into different groups if there are enough people and the desire is there. Come meet some fellow riders, get on your bike, and enjoy the local trails!
MBT x SheJumps ladies Group Ride
Join MBT and SheJumps for the first of two collaborative group rides this summer! We’ll be riding at Horseshoe Canyon, meeting at the base of the Bovine trail. This will be a no-drop ride, with multiple route options available, all between 5 and 8 miles. The ride is free, but registration is encouraged so that we can get an estimate on the headcount!
Registration and more info can be found here: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/shejumps-teton-valley-mount-bike-meetup-series-id-wy-registration-911649757967
Sprockids Junior Jackson
New this year: Sprockids Junior is a one-day version of our classic Sprockids program, designed specifically for 4 and 5 year olds. Located at Blair Street Park, in Jackson. This two-hour clinic will teach kids the skills needed to ride well in a group and furrther their mountain bike education. Registration is required.
Get all the info here: https://www.mountainbiketetons.org/sprockids-2
Sprockids Junior Teton Valley
New this year: Sprockids Junior is a one-day version of our classic Sprockids program, designed specifically for 4 and 5 year olds. This two-hour clinic will teach kids the skills needed to ride well in a group and furrther their mountain bike education. Located at Sherman Park, in Victor. Registration is required.
Get all the info here: https://www.mountainbiketetons.org/sprockids-2

Trail work day on probation/burgh
Calling all trail enthusiasts for our fourth volunteer night of the season! We’ll meet at the trailhead at the intersection of Horseshoe-Packsaddle Rd & Forest Road 070. From there we’ll head in to work on Probation and/or Burgh trails, at the north end of the Horseshoe Canyon trails. MBT will provide all the necessary tools, you just need to bring water, sturdy shoes, eye protection, work gloves, and some stoke!
Ladies Trail work Night with SheJumps
Come join SheJumps and MBT for a collaborative ladies evening of trail work. We’ll meet at the trailhead at the intersection of Horseshoe-Packsaddle Rd & Forest Road 070, and we’ll head in to work on Probation and/or Burgh trails. MBT will provide all the necessary tools, you just need to bring water, sturdy shoes, eye protection, work gloves, and some stoke!
MBT Group Ride
Come join us for a weekly MBT Group Ride, this week at Mike Harris! We’ll meet at the main Mike Harris/Southern Valley parking lot at aim to ride for 1-1.5 hours. These are designed to be fun post-work rides for any level of rider. The rides will be no-drop, and we can break into different groups if there are enough people and the desire is there. Come meet some fellow riders, get on your bike, and enjoy the local trails!
Volunteer Trail Day
Join us in the Horseshoe Area to perform some trail maintenance on Southbound and Channel Lock. Help re establish the steep bench-cut trail tread and shape some berms!
Beverages and Brats provided after the work…
Sign our Waivers to participate. HERE
Community Bike Education Day
Join MBT and other local nonprofits at Sherman Park for a free morning of all-ages demos, presentations, and games to get you excited for the bike season! Other nonprofits that will be there include Above and Beyond the Classroom, Teton County ID Search and Rescue, Pierre’s Pedal Project, Teton Valley Trails and Pathways, and Advocates for Multi-Use of Public Lands. Each nonprofit will give a quick informative presentation or demonstration, and Pierre’s Pedal Project will be available to fix any troubles you might have with your bike!
Trails Forum at Highpoint Cider
An opportunity for community members to ask questions, engage with MBT and organizational partners and for MBT inform the community about relevant trail projects, volunteer opportunities and events and the general state of mountain biking in the Tetons. Come get involved! Located at Highpoint Cider.
Bingo at Highpoint Cider
Bingo night at Highpoint Cider in Victor, benefitting MBT! Come on down for a cider, snacks, and the greatest game of luck there ever was.
Victor Bike Park Dig Day
The Victor Bike Park needs some love! Help us get the jump lines and pump tracks dialed for the spring! Rake some rocks, pull some weeds, move some dirt and swing a shovel with us on Tuesday.
What to bring: sturdy shoes, gloves, eye protection and water. Participants 18 & under will need a parent signature. Sign up here!
MBT Benefit Day and Trail Fund Kickoff at Wydaho Roasters
Come on down to Wydaho Roasters in Driggs to say hi and grab a coffee! We’ll be set up from 9am-noon answering questions, talking bikes, and getting stoked for the season. Wydaho Roasters is one of our Gold Level Sponsors this year, and a portion of proceeds from today will come right back to MBT!
Horseshoe Canyon Open (tentatively)
Winter wildlife closure of Horseshoe Canyon is over (pending standard snow melting). Time to start thinking bikes!
MBT Fat Bike Group Ride
Join us for a mellow, no drop group ride on the flowing Southern Valley Trails on Saturday, February 10th @ 9:00am. Great opportunity to meet fellow riders and MBT members.
Please sign up HERE. This way we can follow up with event updates.
Need a bike?! Let us know! Wheel Wranglers with have rental bikes at no cost! Limited Availability.
Conditions Permitting

End of season Party
Film Premiere? Mountain Bike Raffle? Libations? You bet!
Join us to celebrate the bike season in style at the Highpoint Cider Taproom on Saturday, Oct 21st.
Rocky Mountain Bicycles has generously donated a 2023 Instinct A50 and Reaper 24 to help raise money towards our efforts in rehabilitating trails in the Teton Region. Funds raised through the 'Flash Bike Raffle' support Mountain Bike the Teton's ongoing trail maintenance through our volunteers and paid trail crew, project planning and the purchase of tools and equipment.
We will be drawing raffle winners at the MBT End of Season party. (You do not need to be present to win.)
Get your tickets HERE!
Check out the official trailer for “The Engine Inside” HERE.