📷 Stacey Stamm

Sprockids 2025
The Sprockids program provides an opportunity for kids to get excited about bikes, and to learn valuable mountain bike skills, etiquette and trail stewardship!
2025 Program Registration:
Online registration for 2025 Sprockids will open at 5:00pm on March 1st, 2025. Please check back on the bottom of this page for an active link to register.
Payment Method: Credit Card OR Paypal will be accepted.
If the program you are interested in is full, please contact us directly to be put on the waitlist.
Program Age Groups & Coaching Ratios:
Sprockids participants must be 6 to 11 years old by July 10th, of the current year. We aim to ensure balanced coach to rider ratios to encourage more focused instruction, better skills grouping and to limit our program impact at trailheads. This season we have 144 open sports in the program. If full, this will offer a 1:6, coach to rider ratio!
2025 Program Dates & Times:
6-8 year old Sprockids: Session 1: 5:00-7:00 pm, every Tuesday from June 17th - July 8th, 2025 (Teton Valley and Jackson)
6-8 year old Sprockids: Session 2: 5:00-7:00 pm, every Tuesday from July 22nd - August 12th, 2025. (Teton Valley and Jackson)
9-11 year old Sprockids: Session 1: 5:00-7:00 pm, every Wednesday from June 18th - July 9th, 2025 (Teton Valley and Jackson)
9-11 year old Sprockids: Session 2: 5:00- 7:00pm, every Wednesday from July 23rd - August 13th, 2025 (Teton Valley and Jackson)
*Age groups here are a suggestion; Tuesdays are aimed at more beginner riders, while Wednesdays are aimed at more experienced riders. If your child is 6-8 but an advanced rider, they might qualify to be in Wednesday’s group. If your child is 9-11 but new to biking, they might be better served in Tuesday’s group. Please reach out to us if you have any questions or think your child’s ability might not match the suggested age group.
*Times may vary dependent on USFS permits and other venues.
Program Locations:
There are Sprockids programs in both Jackson and Teton Valley! Exact meeting and riding locations for each session will be announced closer to the program start date and are subject to permit availability by the USFS and access from other private venues.
Examples venues in past years have been:
Teton Valley: Victor Bike Park, South Valley trails, Grand Targhee, Teton Canyon
Jackson: Cache Creek, Game Creek, Wilson Canyon, Jackson Hole Mountain Resort (XC trails & lift access)
Please note: Transportation to and from the Sprockids locations is NOT provided by MBT.
2025 Program Cost:
$210 - Program registration fee includes 4 x 2-hour, fun and educational sessions facilitated by our amazing coaches and a Sprockids gift! Program fees are non-refundable after April 1. If any of the 4 sessions get cancelled due to heavy rain, lightning or hazardous air quality, we will have a make up session after the final week of the program for that location/age group.
Jackson: Youth may be eligible for scholarship funds through our partner, One22 Resource Center. For more information click here.
One22 Resource Center is the Coordinator of Youth Enrichment Scholarships (YES), with major funding provided by the Community Foundation of Jackson Hole and Mountain Bike the Tetons.
Teton Valley: In 2024, we were able to provide program scholarships to seven different riders. We’re working on making this happen again in 2025, but don’t have all of the details ironed out yet. If you would like more information on this opportunity, please reach out to our program coordinator, Claire.
Parents Info Night:
There will be an optional info session on Zoom for both Jackson & Teton Valley parents May 20th, 2025 @ 5:30 PM.
Parent Volunteer Coaching:
When experiencing the joy of mountain biking alongside your kids, you can create meaningful connection and rediscover the child within yourself! If you are interested in being a parent volunteer for the Sprockids program please let us know! If you’d like a more consistent volunteer position with the program, consider our Volunteer Assistant Coach position.
Program Requirements:
Participant must be able to ride a two-wheeled PEDAL BIKE with two hand brakes prior to program start. NO training wheels, NO coaster brakes. PEDALS should be what the rider is most comfortable using (we encourage flats).
Participants must wear a properly fitted HELMET at all times. Additional protective equipment is not required.
SHOES must be closed-toe. We know it gets hot here in summer, but we like our toes safe!
WATER, a SNACK and a RAIN JACKET need to be carried by each participant at every session.
Be sure to have a SAFE bike to ride! (More information provided on necessary gear and resources for bike maintenance on parent info session, May 20th, 2025 @ 5:30pm)
Note: Coaches will be carrying bear sprays during all activities that are not at local bike parks in town.
2025 Sprockids Registration
Please sign waivers after payment is complete:
Waitlist: If the program that you wanted is full, please email Claire Brandhorst at programs@mountainbiketetons.org to be added to a waitlist.
For more info, please email: info@mountainbiketetons.org or call us at (208) 557-4332.